Michael S.
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About Michael S.
Algebra, Algebra 2
Bachelors in Mathematics, General from Juniata College
Bachelors in Chemistry, General from Juniata College
Career Experience
In every field that I have worked I was given unique opportunities beyond my everyday tasks. As an analytical chemist, I worked on large scale experimentation projects to further the company's development of their products. I was also given first hand on usage, setup, and writing procedures for new instruments to be implemented in the lab. When working as a quality control chemist, I calibrated the instrumentations used by both the labs and the production floor to maintain the company's accuracy. In college I not only tutored from practically day one through all four years of my degree, but I was one of only a handful of lead tutors who were not only in high demand but also helped new tutors become better at their job.
I Love Tutoring Because
I love mathematics, chemistry, and learning in general. I want to share what I love with others, and I feel that tutoring is the best opportunity to achieve this goal. When I know my tutee understands what I am teaching, then I feel accomplished. I enjoy that feeling, and I know it is shared when my tutee excels.
Other Interests
Chess, Cooking, Gardening, Motor sports, Rugby, Traveling, Video Gaming
Math - Algebra II

Math - Algebra II

Math - Algebra

Math - Algebra II