The University of Akron College of Business
CoB 260
Akron, OH 44325
United States
  • AACSB-Accredited

Average Undergrad GPA: 3.38
Applicants: 62
Acceptance Rate: 95%
Average Age: 32
Online Enrollment: 87
Total Tuition and Fees: $17,817
BAB 102
301 Sparkman Drive
Huntsville, AL 35899
United States
  • AACSB-Accredited

The Online MBA program at University of Alabama in Huntsville, a public school, was started in 2020. The application deadline for the Online MBA program is rolling. The Online MBA program is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). The school rates the importance of the GMAT or GRE as considered in admission decisions. The total program cost is around $26,417. Read More...
Average Undergrad GPA: 3.57
Work Experience: 2.5 years
Applicants: 101
Acceptance Rate: 89%
Average Age: 28
Online Enrollment: 161
Total Tuition and Fees: $29,304
P.O. Box 757480
Fairbanks, AK 99775
United States
  • AACSB-Accredited

Applicants: 60
Acceptance Rate: 58%
Average Age: 33
Online Enrollment: 87
Total Tuition and Fees: $22,470
McClelland Hall, Building 108, Rm 210
P.O. Box 210108
Tucson, AZ 85721
United States
  • AACSB-Accredited

The University of Arizona's Eller College of Management conveniently offers six starts throughout the year for its Eller Online MBA for working professionals, and students praise the "flexibility" of choosing how many courses to take at a time. With six concentrations in entrepreneurship, health care, finance, management and organizations, management information systems, and marketing, students appreciate the "breadth of classes offered" and "the opportunity to touch upon a variety of subjects." Students choose the Eller Online MBA for its "affordability," "great reputation" and "convenient online experience." As one student reports, "University of Arizona's program was the right mix of cost, reputation, and course offering." Another adds that the program embraces its online student population "by communicating daily, providing 24/7 librarian services, and making its professors accessible." Courses are 100 percent online and delivered via the "user-friendly" Blackboard platform, which "enables in-class discussions, group discussions, private discussions with the professor and video lectures that do not skip or stall." As one student raves, "Accessibility was flawless . . . I travelled frequently while in the program Read More...
Average Undergrad GPA: 3.43
Work Experience: 9.6 years
Applicants: 201
Acceptance Rate: 85%
Average Age: 32
Online Enrollment: 116
Total Tuition and Fees: $56,250
Average GMAT Score: 666
Average Starting Salary: $94,848
College of Business
University of Central Arkansas
Conway, AR 72035
United States
  • AACSB-Accredited

Work Experience: 0.4 years
Average GMAT Score: 516
Carl H. Lindner Hall, Suite 606
P.O. Box 210020
Cincinnati, OH 45221
United States
  • AACSB-Accredited

The Online MBA program at University of Cincinnati, a public school, was started in 2014. The application deadline for the Online MBA program is rolling. The Online MBA program is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). The school rates the importance of the GMAT as very important in admission decisions and report an average GMAT of 611. The Online MBA program has a total of 135 students; it is represented by 3 foreign countries; 20% of Online MBA students are underrepresented minorities; 47% of Online MBA students are women. 29% of students report receiving a career promotion while attending the program. The average base salary upon graduation is $148,400. The total program cost is around $31,187. Scholarships are available and the average annual aid package is about $13,534. Read More...
Average Undergrad GPA: 3.60
Work Experience: 6.1 years
Applicants: 142
Acceptance Rate: 77%
Average Age: 31
Online Enrollment: 135
Total Tuition and Fees: $31,437
Average GMAT Score: 653
Average Starting Salary: $148,400
300 College Park Avenue
Dayton, OH 45469
United States
  • AACSB-Accredited

The Online MBA program at University of Dayton, a private school, was started in 2017. The application deadline for the Online MBA program is rolling. The Online MBA program is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). The school rates the importance of the GMAT or GRE as considered in admission decisions and report an average GMAT of 542. The Online MBA program has a total of 339 students; it is represented by 5 foreign countries; 22% of Online MBA students are underrepresented minorities; 43% of Online MBA students are women. Read More...
Average Undergrad GPA: 3.12
Work Experience: 0.4 years
Applicants: 2,034
Acceptance Rate: 15%
Online Enrollment: 339
Average GMAT Score: 512
591 Collaboration Way
Graduate and MBA Programs
Newark, DE 19713
United States
  • AACSB-Accredited

The Online MBA program at University of Delaware, a public school, was started in 2013. The application deadline for the Online MBA program is rolling. The Online MBA program is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). The school rates the importance of the GMAT or GRE as very important in admission decisions and report an average GMAT of 603. The Online MBA program has a total of 410 students; it is represented by 2 foreign countries; 29% of Online MBA students are underrepresented minorities; 42% of Online MBA students are women. 90% of Online MBA students are employed full-time while attending the program. 30% of students report receiving a career promotion while attending the program. The average base salary upon graduation is $102,186. The total program cost is around $39,630. Read More...
Average Undergrad GPA: 3.30
Work Experience: 7.5 years
Applicants: 169
Acceptance Rate: 83%
Average Age: 32
Online Enrollment: 358
Total Tuition and Fees: $41,800
Average GMAT Score: 677
Average Starting Salary: $104,766
2101 South University Blvd.
Denver, CO 80210
United States
  • AACSB-Accredited

The Online MBA available through the University of Denver’s Daniels College of Business offers “a flexible schedule, reasonable price,…and a GMAT waiver,” allowing working professionals the ability to earn a degree in as little as 21 months (with the option of four start dates a year). The 60-credit curriculum is based in one of four concentrations, providing the “right balance of independent study and interaction with peers” thanks to a blend of online courses, self-paced learning, and interactive experiences (which includes two in-person domestic or global immersion s). Faculty “are very engaged with their materials and well-connected to the synchronous and asynchronous coursework” and “have been easy to contact and are always willing to help or engage in further discussion if you ask.” The amount of “face-to-face class time is reasonable,” there “are multiple evening times (early evening and later evening) to accommodate those in the Pacific time zone,” and the teamwork and participation requirements “force you to get out of your comfort zone.”

Daniels’ “technology platforms are easy to use and reliable” and “the infrastructure Read More...

Average Undergrad GPA: 3.08
Work Experience: 9.3 years
Applicants: 234
Acceptance Rate: 75%
Average Age: 35
Online Enrollment: 250
Total Tuition and Fees: $83,220
Average GMAT Score: 705
Average Starting Salary: $132,722
Hough Hall 310
P.O. Box 117152
Gainesville, FL 32611
United States
  • AACSB-Accredited

The University of Florida’s Hough Graduate School of Business online MBA program is “the best overall combination of rankings, student feedback, faculty level, and course structure.” It offers a “high-caliber program with flexibility for a chaotic work environment,” “great value for the cost,” and an “accelerated pace.” Students rave about the “challenging, yet very beneficial” program, which includes “real-life business cases,” a “great online platform to deliver materials,” and “quality instructors.” One student marvels about “the program’s ability to take an online education and foster an environment where in two years time I feel like I know all fifty students in my cohort personally and professionally.” That isn’t an easy task, but one of the ways this is accomplished is by “keeping the same groups for half of the program.” Another is by providing the opportunity “to meet every few months on campus, to connect with cohorts and lecturers.” Students voice the general opinion that “the program allows a good balance” between schoolwork and personal life, although “certain terms are more hectic than others.” One Read More...
Average Undergrad GPA: 3.37
Work Experience: 6.6 years
Applicants: 832
Acceptance Rate: 54%
Average Age: 29
Online Enrollment: 261
Total Tuition and Fees: $59,807
Average GMAT Score: 680
Average Starting Salary: $101,357
200 Bloomfield Avenue
West Hartford, CT, 06117
United States
  • AACSB-Accredited

The Online MBA program at University of Hartford , a private school, was started in 2011. The application deadline for the Online MBA program is rolling. The Online MBA program is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). The school rates the importance of the GMAT or GRE as very important in admission decisions. Read More...
4250 Martin Luther King Blvd.
UCBB 424
Houston, TX 77204
United States
  • AACSB-Accredited

Average Undergrad GPA: 3.25
Work Experience: 7.7 years
Applicants: 111
Acceptance Rate: 66%
Average Age: 32
Online Enrollment: 119
Total Tuition and Fees: $41,572
Average GMAT Score: 660
Average Starting Salary: $133,000
Office of Admissions
3007 N Ben Wilson St
Victoria, TX 77901
United States
  • AACSB-Accredited

The Online MBA program at University of Houston—Victoria, a public school, was started in 2001. The Online MBA program is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). The school rates the importance of the GMAT or GRE as considered in admission decisions. Read More...
2302 Fox Drive
Suite D
Champaign, IL 61820
United States
  • AACSB-Accredited

The Online MBA program at University of Illinois at Urbana—Champaign, a public school, was started in 2016. The application deadline for the Online MBA program is rolling. The Online MBA program is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). The school rates the importance of the GMAT or GRE as optional in admission decisions. The Online MBA program has a total of 5,155 students; 32% of Online MBA students are women. The total program cost is around $22,104. Read More...
Average Undergrad GPA: 3.49
Work Experience: 11.0 years
Applicants: 5,339
Acceptance Rate: 64%
Total Tuition and Fees: $22,104
601 S Morgan Suite 1111
University Hall
Chicago, IL 60607
United States
  • AACSB-Accredited

Average Undergrad GPA: 3.40
Work Experience: 0.3 years
Applicants: 253
Acceptance Rate: 71%
Average Age: 34
Online Enrollment: 223
Total Tuition and Fees: $36,834
100 Pomerantz Center C432
Iowa City, Iowa 52242
United States
  • AACSB-Accredited

The Online MBA program at The University of Iowa, a public school, was started in 2019. The application deadline for the Online MBA program is rolling. The Online MBA program is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). The school rates the importance of the GMAT or GRE as considered in admission decisions and report an average GMAT of 588. The Online MBA program has a total of 215 students; 11% of Online MBA students are underrepresented minorities; 38% of Online MBA students are women. The total program cost is around $31,725. Read More...
Average Undergrad GPA: 3.31
Work Experience: 8.7 years
Applicants: 576
Acceptance Rate: 88%
Average Age: 33
Online Enrollment: 1230
Total Tuition and Fees: $33,750
Average Starting Salary: $117,761
3155 Capital Federal Hall, 1654 Naismith Drive, Lawrence KS 66045
Lawrence, KS 66045
United States
  • AACSB-Accredited

The Online MBA program at University of Kansas, a public school, was started in 2015. The application deadline for the Online MBA program is rolling. The Online MBA program is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). The school rates the importance of the GMAT or GRE as important in admission decisions. Read More...
Average Undergrad GPA: 3.30
Work Experience: 0.3 years
Applicants: 171
Acceptance Rate: 87%
Average Age: 31
Online Enrollment: 320
Total Tuition and Fees: $36,330
Average GMAT Score: 604
Average Starting Salary: $60,067
359A Gatton College of Business and Economics
Lexington, KY 40506
United States
  • AACSB-Accredited

Students choose the online MBA program at the University of Kentucky for its “affordability and reputation,” saying that “The curriculum rivals any other top-tier program, you get a great education for a reasonable price.” Rather than offer separate tracks for online and in-person students, MBA students share the same curriculum. Courses taught in person are also live streamed, which gives the online cohort the ability to participate in classroom discussions. Students say that the technology “works great” despite the occasional drawback, such as not being able to see the whiteboard during a lecture.” Gatton’s “strong, well-rounded” MBA program also offers specializations, including an MBA in healthcare as well as two certificate programs, one in cultural awareness for global business and another in project management.

Students appreciate the overall flexibility of the program. Each individual course meets once a week, and classes aren’t held on weekends. According to the school, the average part-time MBA student completes the program in two or three years, but the timeline can be adjusted if a student requires more flexibility. Students Read More...

Average Undergrad GPA: 3.41
Work Experience: 8.2 years
Applicants: 57
Acceptance Rate: 89%
Average Age: 32
Online Enrollment: 97
Total Tuition and Fees: $37,308
Average GMAT Score: 641
Average Starting Salary: $73,032
Martin Hall
Room #332
Lafayette, Louisiana, 70503
United States
  • AACSB-Accredited

The Online MBA program at University of Louisiana—Lafayette, a public school, was started in 2017. The application deadline for the Online MBA program is rolling. The Online MBA program is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). The school rates the importance of the GMAT as important in admission decisions. The Online MBA program has a total of 427 students; 28% of Online MBA students are underrepresented minorities; 52% of Online MBA students are women. 90% of Online MBA students are employed full-time while attending the program. The total program cost is around $12,800. Read More...
Average Undergrad GPA: 3.09
Work Experience: 10.0 years
Applicants: 520
Acceptance Rate: 70%
Average Age: 33
Online Enrollment: 800
Total Tuition and Fees: $12,800
305 Isenberg School of Management
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003
United States
  • AACSB-Accredited

It’s easy to understand why many students clamor to earn an online MBA from University of Massachusetts. After all, the program is “cost-effective, highly regarded” and offers “the right mix of academic rigor and flexibility for working professionals.” And since UMass has been at the forefront of online education, “they have ironed out many of the issues that come with a purely online program.” Indeed, “professors are very comfortable with the online format” and students find that “the interfaces are intuitive and never hinder learning.” As one MBA candidate elaborates that the program "has outperformed even my best expectations," with the platform providing "multiple avenues to learn the content and engage with other students and faculty.” A fellow classmate concurs adding, noting "how much effort everyone put[s] in to connect and have discussions with others.” Of course, it also helps when your peers are “professional, motivated [and] hard-working.” Additionally, UMass MBAs benefit by having classmates from “diverse [professional backgrounds] who have significant work experience behind them allowing for interesting perspectives and engaging and informative discussions.”


Average Undergrad GPA: 3.30
Work Experience: 0.9 years
Applicants: 607
Acceptance Rate: 92%
Average Age: 37
Online Enrollment: 1470
Total Tuition and Fees: $37,062
Average GMAT Score: 659
Average Starting Salary: $102,000
285 Old Westport Road
North Dartmouth, MA 02747
United States
  • AACSB-Accredited

The Online MBA program at University of Massachusetts—Dartmouth, a public school, was started in 2014. The application deadline for the Online MBA program is July 1st. The Online MBA program is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). The school rates the importance of the GMAT as very important in admission decisions and report an average GMAT of 532. The Online MBA program has a total of 149 students; it is represented by 1 foreign country; 16.8% of Online MBA students are underrepresented minorities; 47.7% of Online MBA students are women. The total program cost is around $11,382. Read More...
Average Undergrad GPA: 3.38
Applicants: 69
Acceptance Rate: 97%
Average Age: 34
Online Enrollment: 128
Total Tuition and Fees: $20,040
Average Starting Salary: $104,507
72 University Avenue
Pulichino Tong Business Center
Lowell, MA 01854
United States
  • AACSB-Accredited

The Online MBA program at University of Massachusetts—Lowell, a public school, was started in 1996. The application deadline for the Online MBA program is rolling. The Online MBA program is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). The school rates the importance of the GMAT as important in admission decisions and report an average GMAT of 539. The Online MBA program has a total of 564 students; it is represented by 8 foreign countries; 9% of Online MBA students are underrepresented minorities; 34% of Online MBA students are women. The total program cost is around $19,850 while average debt upon graduation is $38,433. Scholarships are available and the average annual aid package is about $13,676. Read More...
Average Undergrad GPA: 3.42
Work Experience: 10.5 years
Applicants: 759
Acceptance Rate: 87%
Average Age: 34
Online Enrollment: 1452
Total Tuition and Fees: $19,850
Graduate Programs Office
Fogelman College of Business and Economics
Memphis, TN 38152
United States
  • AACSB-Accredited

The Online MBA program at University of Memphis, a public school, was started in 2009. The application deadline for the Online MBA program is rolling. The Online MBA program is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). The school rates the importance of the GMAT or GRE as very important in admission decisions and report an average GMAT of 525. The Online MBA program has a total of 96 students; it is represented by 2 foreign countries; 22% of Online MBA students are underrepresented minorities; 45% of Online MBA students are women. 96% of Online MBA students are employed full-time while attending the program. The total program cost is around $34,680. Read More...
Average Undergrad GPA: 3.29
Applicants: 153
Acceptance Rate: 92%
Average Age: 29
Online Enrollment: 335
Total Tuition and Fees: $23,076

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