
If you’re fascinated by how the environment affects us and vice versa, or if you’re concerned about maintaining clean water and a healthy environment, Geology might be the major for you. As a Geology major, you’ll learn how and why the Earth has evolved. You’ll study natural and artificial environmental processes and learn how those processes should be improved. You’ll study the history of the earth and see how humans have brought about change for better or for worse. Geologists are concerned with the entire physical makeup of the earth, and many specializations are available within the major. Mineralogists study the formation and structures of minerals while glaciologists study ice. Paleontologists are concerned with what fossils can tell us about our history while economic geologists search for valuable minerals like crystallized carbon. Other areas to study include the formation of the Earth’s crust, the continents, planets, chemical elements of rocks, and water. No matter what your concentration, you’ll be learning how all aspects of the earth relate to each other—and to us.


  • Environmental Geology Geomorphology

  • Field Geology

  • Geochemistry

  • Glacial Geology

  • Igneous Petrology

  • Mineralogy & Crystallography

  • Paleontology

  • Physical Geology

  • Stratigraphy and Sedimentation

  • Structural Geology

  • Surface and Groundwater Hydrology

  • Various Math, Computer, and Engineering courses


The more science courses, the better. Try physics, biology, chemistry, physical science, and whatever else your high school offers. Math courses will be valuable as well, especially upper-level ones. Also important are computer courses—much of a geologist’s work involves a computer and other technological equipment.