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Perhaps it's Beethoven that gets your blood pumping, or maybe it’s a little Belle and Sebastian. Whatever the case may be, music has the ability to smooth over that troubled soul of yours, get you excited, happy, or depressed. From the idea that music can express something through notes and sounds that plain old words just can’t grew the Music Therapy major.

Our emotions aren’t always the easiest thing to get in touch with, and sometimes we need more than just a soothing voice. We’ve got physical, psychological, social, emotional, and cognitive needs that your run of the mill therapist can’t address. Sometimes what we really need to sit down and compose our thoughts through tones and melodies, symphonic harmonies and dissonance, and this is where the music therapist enters the picture. Part psychoanalyst and part conductor, the music therapist helps us to play our emotions and thoughts through music.

With a solid background in music theory and performance, and, of course, some serious training as a psychologist, a Music Therapy major pulls both hemispheres of the brain into harmony.


  • Abnormal Psychology

  • Applied Instrument I and II

  • Child Development

  • Clinical Applications in Music Therapy

  • Counseling

  • Imagery and Metaphor

  • Introduction to Music History

  • Lessons on principal instruments

  • Music History

  • Music Theory I-III

  • Psychology of Personality

  • Quantitative Reasoning


In addition to taking introductory psychology courses at your high school, students should also prepare themselves by having a strong background in science, math, English, and computer courses. Spending your time volunteering at a local hospital or mental health clinic is also a great opportunity to gain first hand experience in the field. There is also a wealth of information out there for those who have an interest in psychology, from scholarly journals, to newspapers and magazines.