Aleks A.
What do you want to work on?
About Aleks A.
Computer Science Java
Masters in Computer Science from University of Maryland-College Park
PHD in Computer Science from University of Maryland-College Park
Career Experience
I ranked 2nd in my class when I finished my college degree. When a graduate student, I taught programming languages as a TA (teaching assistant) and as a summer instructor. I was also TA for an artificial intelligence class. I was awarded the Teaching Excellence Award from the computer science department. After graduation, I worked at a well-known high-tech company as a software engineer for 3 years.
I Love Tutoring Because
I am passionate about helping people.
Other Interests
Chess, Creative writing, Reading, Running, Stand-Up Comedy, Watching Movies, Weightlifting, Writing
Technology - Computer Science - Java

Technology - Computer Science - Java

Technology - Computer Science - Java

Technology - Computer Science - Java