Science - Organic Chemistry
this tutor was very helpful. he helped me understand the content of my homework and he also shared resources to help me better understand acid and bases. thank you for all of your help. -Hailey
Science - Organic Chemistry
This tutor really helped me understand in a simple way
Science - Organic Chemistry
Science - Biology
Tutor was helpful and solved problems together to check my mistakes.
Science - Organic Chemistry
this tutor made me feel less confident in my ability, still a helpful service tho
Science - Chemistry
Absorption is directly related to the concentration of FeNCS^2+ (aq) in the experiment. When I mixed Fe^3+ (aq) with NCS^-, the solution resulted in FeNCS^2+, which produced a red color. I then used a colourimeter to measure the FeNCS^2+ absorption values. I used the values to make a graph that provided me with a calibration curve that gave a linear equation that I was able to use to calculate the concentrations of the species in my solutions, with the help of an ICE table. Once I had the concentrations of my species, I then was able to plug in the values into the Kc formula and calculate the Kc values for all my solutions. The mixing of the volumes was a tricky situation, where one had to be exact or the concentrations of the solutions would be off. Also since the Kc is affected by temperature, it was important to maintain a constant temperature. Seen as a change in temperature will cause a change in equilibrium.
Science - Chemistry
He was so helpful and cheerful! I loved his energy so much! Other tutors had begun to confuse me, but he was the one who finally made my problem make sense to me. He even provided me with an extra link to help me in the future.
Science - Biology
Science - Chemistry
He provided me with help on my assignment but had a hostile attitude. he also told me we would not have time for both of my questions but we were only 15 minutes in the session.
Science - Biology
Challenged me a bit but helped me through it.
Science - Biology
Thank you for the quick review
Science - Chemistry
Audio was great and Gerardo R is the most knowledgeable tutor that I've worked with so far
Science - Chemistry
This tutor is an experience! Wow, I learned a concept that I was struggling with for a long time in minutes with this tutor. I highly recommend him. So worth it! Thank you for being such a fantastic teacher!
Science - Chemistry
He is good at explaining everything since my teacher didnt really teach He also asked more question to lead to the point of the awnser
Science - Biology
best tutor ever! he helped me so much and taught me everything i need to know
Science - Chemistry
Very nice lesson thank you
Science - Biology
The concepts just weren't being explained in a way that I understood. The answers felt a little vague and I just didn't understand.
Science - Chemistry
Gerardo was really patient and awesome