Makayla P.
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About Makayla P.
Elementary (3-6) Math, Elementary (3-6) Reading, Essay Writing
Bachelors in Biology/Biological Sciences, General from Brigham Young University-Provo
Career Experience
I worked at an aquarium teaching people of all ages about the wonderful creatures around us and explaining what made each one so unique! I taught everyone from adults to kids on their field trips all about the ocean and the animals that lived in it, and how the world of nature contains a ton of cool abilities, adaptations, and inspirations for us all.
I Love Tutoring Because
I love helping others discover the wonder of the world around us. I love fostering an interest in new knowledge and helping others to see what makes learning new things so cool! I like breaking down facts to approachable explanations and integrating those concepts into learning so that they can be both memorable and understood. In particular, I love animals, so helping people understand what makes each species we discover so special is very dear to me! The natural world can serve as an amazing springboard for creativity to blossom from, so I love to help others feel inspired by it as well.
Other Interests
Birdwatching, Drawing, Reading, Writing
English - Secondary (9-12) Essay Writing

Async - English - General (7-12) Essay Writing

English - Secondary (9-12) Essay Writing

Async - English - General (7-12) Essay Writing