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About Malcome
Bachelors in Computer Science from Hofstra University
Career Experience
I have worked as a technical coach for three and a half years, assisting students daily in solving problems related to their web development projects and helping them gain a better understanding of fundamental web development concepts.
I Love Tutoring Because
I personally love reflecting on the entire learning process, from acquiring knowledge to organizing it and, ultimately, to recalling that knowledge. As a tutor, my job is to make the organizing and recall phases easier and more enjoyable, if possible, for all students, allowing them to get closer to achieving their goals and dreams. One of the greatest moments as a tutor is hearing from a student, "Oh! That makes so much sense now!" and seeing that they genuinely mean it. That is something I live for.
Other Interests
Rugby, Running, Stand-Up Comedy, Taekwondo, Weightlifting
Technology - Computer Science - Webdesign

Technology - Computer Science - Webdesign

Technology - Computer Science - Webdesign

Technology - Computer Science - Webdesign